I listened to this Podcast today. There is a lot of good information and below are the big ideas. Tom Corley ran a CPA compnay and he surveyed all his millionaire clients and compiled the results in a book.
Things that Rich People Do....
They Read to Learn at least 30 Minutes a Day (i.e.: a Student of Life)
They Network and Build Relationships
Not with just anyone, they actively seek out other success, like-minded people.
They also cut all toxic relationships from their life.
A good way to network is to volunteer and add value to other people's life....it really opens a lot of doors.
They Exercise, Eat, & Sleep
They work out at least 4 days a week for around 20 minutes.
They make sure their body is fueled to ensure their mind and body are operating at peak.
They go to bed between 9:30-10:30pm and get at least 7 hours of sleep per night (again, necessary for body and mind to work at peak performance).
They Have Multiple Streams of Income.
Good Tips from the Interview....
Make small changed (i.e.: the Compound Effect) to improve self and grow wealth
Slowly push self out of comfort zone....like clock-work, devote 20 minutes a day to build your future goal.
Jumping all-in to something 100% usually ends in failure.
Small, consistent actions eventually produce an avalanche (i.e.: build a reservoir)
Keep a Running File on People (e.g.: birthday, kid's name, interest & hobbies, etc.)