Smartcuts are shortcuts with integrity—working smarter while creating real value in the world.
MOMENTUM or lots of small wins......Winning accrued from each victory are used to as the stakes for the next project. This quest for Bigger and Better never stops and you need to constantly keep momentum going even if your investment only yields slight improvements (i.e.: compounding).
Keep breaking steps to your goals into smaller and smaller steps (regardless of how small), thereby making momentum easier to achieve. (i.e.: lining up your dominoes).
We need to train ourselves to embrace pain and discomfort. Growth and infinite potential is just outside our comfort zone.
Though thinking about it painful, embrace your failures and re-frame them in the positive.
Build a Reservoir. "...innovators like Sal Khan (who published 1,000 math lessons online before being discovered by Bill Gates, who thrust him into the spotlight and propelled him to build a groundbreaking digital school called Khan Academy..." If its your passion, build the groundwork.
“I never waste a brain cell in the morning trying to figure out what to do when. Compare that with some people you know who spend two hours planning and deciding for every task that takes one hour to complete. I’m happier than those people.” It is important to streamline. Creativity needs constrained....set boundaries so your creativity can be more focused. (i.e.: don't waste will-power on unimportant decisions. STREAMLINE and ESTABLISH HABITS).
Going for the 10X goals are often not much more challenging than the smaller goals.