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Why I Voted for Donald Trump

I struggled, and I am still struggling, to comprehend this past election season.

It seems that most people would agree that both candidates were horrible. Yet, everyone was willing to overlook the grave sins of their preferred candidate only to self-righteously condemn similar sins in the other. Not only condemn them, but make them out as a Hitler reincarnation.

How is it that so many seemingly similar people could have such radically different, and militant, positions on this election?


So Why Trump?

Not to put to fine a point on it, I think America has been on the slide for a long time. That is, it doesn't seem to matter who is in the oval office, all Americans seem to get is:

More War

More Debt

More Federal Regulation and Control of Our Lives

Donald Trump is highly unlikely to change this....but there is a very minute chance that he might "over-turn" the game board.

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